
Types of Star Fruit

Two Types of Star Fruit

Sweet Star Fruit
Sweet Star Fruit

Sour Star Fruit
 Sour Star Fruit
Type of Star Fruit - In the world there are two types of star fruit, sweet star fruit and sour star fruit. Both of these types of star fruit have different shapes and flavors. But both are still in a clump of types of star fruit.

A different type of star fruit that is the first leather-back is sour star fruit is often used as a food supplement. Generally, the preferred sweet star fruit, attractive color, finely fibrous, and has a refreshing sweet taste. Types of Star fruit that can be classified as lower levels of "bad" cholesterol in the body.

Both types of star fruit are capable of preventing the onset of hepatitis. The fruit is a source of vitamins, especially vitamin A and C, as antioxidants and powerful in the fight against free radicals. The fruit is also able to help prevent the spread of cancer cells, increase endurance and prevent canker sores.

Besides these two kinds of star fruit also has good fiber content so that it can improve digestion, and contain high levels of potassium, and sodium low as hypertension medication. Types of star fruit caretaker position compared to other fruits because of the low calorie suitable for fruit enthusiasts who are overweight.

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