
5 Benefits of Mango

Benefits Of Mangoes

sweet mango
sweet mango
5 Benefits Of Mango - Mango plant has many varieties.All Mangoes have health benefits. There is no mention at least there are 2000 kinds of mangoes in the world. Besides the sweet and refreshing mango was also good for health benefits. Benefits of Mango because fruit contains substances that are needed by the body. Benefits Of Mango fruit is known to contain antioxidants that neutralize free radicals that can damage cells and lead to health problems such as heart disease, cancer and premature aging.

Benefits of Mango because the sleeve as the human body really was amazing. In a pregnant woman wishes to be preferred. Moreover, if we talk about the economy, this fruit is one of the most popular products, and provide material benefits to farmers and sellers. Because many people who also liked automated many will buy it.
sweet mango fruit
sweet mango fruit

5 Health Benefits Of Mango

  1. Antioxidant properties of mango as Mango Body was a source of beta-carotene, potassium, and vitamin C. Beta-carotene is a substance in the body is converted into vitamin A (nutrients essential for the functioning of the retina). Beta-carotene (and vitaminC) are also classified as antioxidants, compounds that can provide protection against cancer because it can neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules produced by the body's normal chemical processes, solar or cosmic radiation, cigarette smoke and other environmental influences.
  2. Benefits of fruit mango for therapies For example for the Cleanser blood, Lower heat bodies, and Eliminate body odor. Mango is considered to cleanse the blood stream and reduces excess body heat. Besides mango is also good for eliminating body odor.
  3. Useful to suppress cancer experts believe the mango is the source of a carotenoid called beta crytoxanthin, namely cancer buster good material.
  4. Mango contains Potassium Potassium has a lower risk of stroke increases the regularity of heart rate functions, enable contraction muscles, and helps blood pressure. Adequate potassium intake may reduce the effects of sodium in the blood pressure increases, and freely contribute to a reduced risk for stroke. One study showed that when someone adds a high-potassium fruit into the daily diet, the risk of fatal stroke can be reduced by 40 percent. Extra potassium intake of 400 mg per day can reduce the possibility of getting heart and blood vessel disease. Potassium are abundant in mango. Every 100 grams of mangoes contained 189 mg of potassium. By eating a mango harumanis very small size (at least 250 grams), or a mango gedong medium size (200-250 g), potassium sufficiency as much as 400 mg per day can be met.
  5. To maintain health teeth and gum In addition to the functioning as an antioxidant, vitamin C has a function maintain the and spur vessel health-vessels capillary, health teeth and gums. He helps iron absorption and can inhibit the production of natrosamin, a cancer-promoting substances. Vitamin C can also make permanent normal connective tissue and aid in healing wounds. The content of vitamin C is quite decent mango taken into account. Every 100 grams of edible ripe mango supply as much as 41 mg of vitamin C, a young mango and even up to 65 mg. Means, by consuming 150 grams of ripe mango or a mango puppet 200 grams (1/2 small pieces), the adequacy of vitamin C is recommended for male and female adult per day (60 mg each) can be met.
Benefits of Mango is good for health because Mangoes has many health benefits. How to choose a delicious mango, if you want to buy a mango can pick a good mango with a yellowish green color, smooth skin and a sweet aroma. Avoid selecting pieces that are too loud or too soft, discolored, or smells of fermentation. Benefits of Mango can prevent weight loss.

Health Benefits of Coconuts

Health Benefits of Coconuts - Coconut is a tropical fruit known for its nutritional benefits. As oil, food, juices and coconut is well known throughout the world because it is tasty and abundant in vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Health Benefits of Coconuts is used by primitive peoples to treat a number of diseases, and is recognized today for caring and healing properties. Health Benefits of Coconuts water is very good to our health.
Green Coconut
Green Coconut
A cup (80 g) grated coconut 283 calories, 224 of which are from fat. There are 27 grams of fat in a serving of coconut, 24 of them saturated fatty acids and the rest consists of monounsaturated fats and omega-6 fatty acids which are very beneficial for the body. There is a cholesterol Health Benefits of Coconuts and only 16 mg of sodium. One serving contains 12 grams of carbohydrate and 3 g of Health Benefits of Coconuts protein. It also contains seven grams of fiber and 5 grams of sugar.
Green Coconut Water
Green Coconut Water

 10 Health Benefits of Coconuts Water

  1. Reduce bad cholesterol
  2. Function as antibiotics
  3. Help dissolve kidney stones 
  4. Neutralize toxins
  5. It helps cleanse the digestive tract
  6. Provides potassium natural body
  7. Make fresh and healthy body
  8. Promoting weight loss
  9. Create glowing skin and protects skin
  10. Cholera treatment

Health Benefits of Coconuts for Pregnant Women

  • Maintain the health of pregnant women. Women who are pregnant need a stable automatic in the body, for themselves and their infants. Therefore, the coconut water is low in carbohydrates and low in fat will help maintain the health of the mother. Coconut water can also Increasing levels of good cholesterol, or HDL often we call, in the body. It also plays a role in pH balance and keep the body temperature to remain stable.
  • Enhance immune system (immune system) of pregnant women. Lauric acid contained in coconut water has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-virus to protect the body against various infections and boost the immune system of pregnant women. That increases the body's immune system will surely be the body's defenses against a variety of infectious diseases so that health of the mother and the fetus will be more awake.
  • Prevent and resolve complaints "heartburn". Complaints heartburn is one complaint that is often experienced by pregnant women. , Burning sensation in the chest and is certainly very disturbing. Fortunately, the complaint "heartburn" can be prevented and treated if a pregnant woman drinking coconut water.
  • Helps resolve complaints "morning sickness". In many countries, coconut water is believed to act as an antidote (anti) vomiting to serious diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and typhoid. Due to its benefit, coconut water can also help pregnant women deal with complaints of dizziness, nausea and vomiting commonly experienced during "morning sickness".
  • Prevent Leg Cramps.  Pregnant women also often have impaired leg cramps. Leg cramps due to potassium deficiency. Pregnant women are advised to consume about 4,700 mg of potassium. In coconut water contains 670 mg of potassium per 330ml. So, drinking coconut water during pregnancy can help to keep a supply of potassium pregnant women need.
  • Helps maintain body temperature. Sweltering is one thing that is often complained of by pregnant women. Coconut water may also help to cool and maintain the body temperature. Coconut water will help transport oxygen and nutrients to all body cells.
So pregnant women considering the many benefits of coconut water for pregnant women, it's time to put the coconut milk to the list of foods / beverages you are required to contain.Health Benefits of Coconuts is recommended to improve our health especially Health Benefits of Coconuts for Pregnant Woman

Vitamin C in Orange Juice

Vitamin C in Orange Juice - Vitamin C in 200ml orange juice typically contains 60mg of vitamin C and is equivalent to 100 percent of the recommended daily amount for adults. The health benefits are due to the content of vitamin C, folic acid and potassium. Vitamin C in orange juice is very important in the production of collagen, along with nutritional super Lutein. Yellow pigment linked to reducing the sunlight that causes skin damage and is believed to improve skin elasticity. According to a panel of health experts and beauty, a glass of Vitamin C in orange juice could actually help improve the health of skin, hair and nails.
Orange Juice
Orange Juice
 Fresh Orange Juice
Susan Mahy, Director of the Cosmetic Executive Women UK, said: "These essential nutrients you need for healthy skin, hair and nails are the most beneficial when ingested as part of your meal." "Panel executive women in the field of perfumes, cosmetics and hairdressing concluded that they have a direct effect on the skin,”

Orange Juices
Orange Juices

Vitamin C in Orange Juices

How much vitamin C is in orange juice?

Vitamin C in Orange Juice
Vitamin C in Orange Juice
The recommended how much vitamin C in orange juice daily allowance of vitamin C is 60mg. This is a figure that is criticized more than probably any other micro-nutrient. Many nutritionist and health professionals dispute this and believe the figure should be much higher and often in the several thousand milligrams a day range. The general consensus is that 60mg a day is enough to ward off disease but not enough for optimum health.

Vitamin C in Oranges

Vitamin C in Oranges
Vitamin C in Oranges

How Much Vitamin C in an Oranges

Vitamin C in oranges - oranges contain vitamin C nutrition is very diverse between varieties, how much vitamin C is in an oranges more about 27-49 mg/100 g of fruit flesh. Vitamin C in oranges is very useful for smooth metabolism. Vitamin C in oranges an 40-70 mg of vitamin C per 100 ml, depending on the type. The older citrus fruit, usually diminishing its vitamin C content, but the sweet taste.
Vitamin C found in fruit juices, meat, and skin. Quarter of the total amount of vitamin C contained in citrus fruit juice. Beta-carotene (pro vitamin A), which forms vitamin A is found in the skin and orange juice.
Vitamin C in Oranges was instrumental in lowering blood cholesterol levels. And also if we are in a diet program is recommended to consume oranges because they are rich in vitamin C. How much vitamin C is in an orange depending on the type and level of maturity of the fruit juice itself? Besides, all the beneficial nutrients orange body and to lose weight