
Garlic Soup Recipe

Garlic Soup Recipe with Bread
Garlic Soup Recipe with Bread

Garlic Soup Recipe with Bread

Garlic Soup Recipe - Garlic soup has a thick sauce with garlic flavor is quite sharp. In addition to delicious, I make it too easy too. Here is garlic soup recipe with bread for 5 servings.

Ingredients Garlic Soup Recipe

- 200 grams of peeled fresh bread (white)
- 2 cloves garlic crushed
- 2 whole chicken eggs, beaten
- 3 tablespoons of olive oil / Olive oil
- 1 tsp Paprika powder
- Salt, to taste
- 500 ml of water

How to make Garlic Soup

1. Boil the water to the boil, add a pinch of salt.
2. Add the garlic, paprika powder, bread and beaten eggs.
3. Boil and cook for 5 minutes. Lift.
4. Mix dough and olive oil soup, puree in blender until smooth. Serve warm.

Tips to Make Crouton Garlic Soup

This soup can you serve with Crouton, the bread is cut into small pieces and then baked in the oven at 100 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes (croutons). Crouton will be more palatable if given before baking spray melted butter and minced garlic fries. Garlic soup is ready to serve and delicious to eat.

Good luck!

Whiten the Face with Tomatoes

Whiten the Face with Tomatoes - Many women are willing to do things to make it look more beautiful, ranging from using natural means or by using dangerous cosmetics. Actually there is a natural way of cheap and relatively harmless to make skin whiter flushed by using tomatoes. Whiten the face with tomatoes very safe and natural.
Whiten the Face with Tomatoes
Whiten the Face with Tomatoes
 Whiten the Face with Tomatoes

Whiten the Face with Tomatoes and Milk

Did you know that the combination of milk and tomatoes a dual role as a facial cleanser. The content in milk in the form of lactic acid and fruity acid (fruit acid) contained in tomatoes believed to benefit to exfoliate gently on the skin.
Whiten the Face with Tomatoes Mask
Whiten the Face with Tomatoes Mask
 Whiten the Face with Tomatoes Mask

Recipe of Whiten the Face with Tomatoes

Ingredients needed:
1 medium ripe tomato;
250 ml of liquid milk; sufficient water

How to make:
Puree tomatoes in a blender with a little water added.

Strain the tomato juice to separate the waste.
Enter the tomatoes into milk and stir until blended.
After wrapping refrigerate.
How to use:
Spread the herb milk and tomato to the face using cotton.
Let stand for about 15 minutes, and then wash using cold water.

You can use this mixture two times a day or as needed. Keep in mind that because it is made from fresh natural ingredients (especially milk), this herb can not last long. Before use makes sure the smell does not smell sour (like milk was stale). Most likely these ingredients only last for 1-2 weeks.
Whiten the Face
Whiten the Face
 Whiten the Face
Then there are some people who may not be appropriate to use this herb, namely people who have sensitive skin and who have problems with acne. This is because the high content of vitamin C in tomatoes causing stinging face when using it. It is easy and safe get maximum beauties whiten the face with tomatoes.

Benefits of Tomato Seeds

Tomato Seeds as Heart Attack Prevention

tomato seeds
tomato seeds
 Tomato seeds
Benefits of Tomato Seeds - Benefits of tomatoes were no doubt anymore. In addition to containing high doses of Vitamin C, tomatoes are also known to contain lycopene which is an antioxidant that can protect the body from free radicals. But did you know that the benefits of tomatoes are not just in the flesh of the fruit? Apparently the benefits of tomato seeds were able to overcome some of the complaints diseases, one of which is stroke and heart disease.

As reported by the health magazine Prevention, based on research led by Asim K Dutta-Roy, PhD, of the Rowett Research Institute, located in Aberdeen, Scotland is known that there are many benefits of tomato seeds. Yellow mucus layer on tomato seeds turned out to contain compounds that can fight heart disease and stroke.
tomatoes seeds
tomatoes seeds

Tomatoes Seeds

Based on the above results, the consumption of tomatoes or tomato juice to remain unfiltered include seeds will be able to reduce the risk of blood clots by 72%. Blood clotting is one of the main causes of heart attack or stroke.

Slime layer that surrounds tomato seeds usually called Fruitlow. In Fruitlow contained compounds that appeared to have a similar effect to aspirin is as analgesics or painkillers, anti-inflammatory or anti inflammation and can also be used as a fever medicine. Fruitlow known to improve blood circulation by preventing blood clots that help the body's metabolism so that more smoothly. Benefits of tomato seeds is very important to our health especially to keep our heart.

Benefits of Tomato Juice

Benefits of Tomato Juice to Health

tomato juice
tomato juice
Tomato Juice
Benefits of Tomato Juice - Tomato fruit is a type of fruit vegetables that are enjoyed by many people who are very popularly used in many different types of salads, as a mixture of chili and enjoyed with the juice. Some people believe that the benefits of reduced tomato juice compared to eating fresh tomatoes. However, it is only a myth! Tomatoes do not lose important nutrients they contain after you put them through a blender or a juice extractor. There are many benefits to be gained from tomato juice. 

Efficacy and Benefits of Tomato Juice

Tomato juice is rich in nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, iron, iodine, potassium, zinc, fluoride, vitamin A, C, organic acids and more. The benefits of consuming tomato juice regularly can reduce the risk of cancer, especially prostate cancer and may reduce the risk of heart disease and makes the heart and blood vessels stronger. Consuming tomato juice every day can also help you to control your weight. Most of us are always trying to lose weight and tomato juice can help us to suppress hunger. Additionally Benefits of Tomato Juice can also stimulate the body's metabolism, making our immune system stronger, and as anti-oxidants that are good for our bodies.
tomato juice with lemon
tomato juice with lemon
 tomato juice with lemon
Consumption of just tomatoes should be done regularly. Drink one or two glasses of tomato juice alone will not significantly affect health due to new properties will clearly feel when consumed regularly. If only rarely drank once a month for example, you will not be able to really reap the benefits.
tomato juices
tomato juices

How to Make Tomato Juice

The fastest way to make a creamy tomato juice is to use a juicer or juice extractor. But if you do not have it, blender can also be used to make a delicious tomato juice. Before you start making tomato juice with a juice extractor is recommended to peel the skin because it is easier to process. However, with no nutrients are lost to peel the skin of the tomato also has nutrients that are not inferior to the flesh.
tomatoes juices
tomatoes juices
 tomatoes juices

Types of Tomatoes

 Types of Tomatoes Fruit

Types of Tomatoes - Tomatoes is a fruit that is often used in cooking. Apart from the many different types of tomato, tomatoes types of benefits apparently also largely determined by the shape of fruit and usefulness. Here are some types of tomatoes

List of types of tomatoes

1. Plum Tomatoes
Plum Tomatoes
Plum Tomatoes
As the name implies, this looks like a plum tomato. Oval rounded shape, flesh contains a lot of water and has a thin skin surface. Plum tomatoes are commonly used to stir and cook dishes that require a relatively long time as making tomato sauce and processed as tomato juice.
2. Tomato Beef
Tomato Beef
Tomato Beef
Tomato beef has the greatest shape when compared to other types. Because of its large size tomato type is often used to make a sandwich or hamburger. But not infrequently also the chef used to stir ingredients or dishes that require tomatoes in large size.
3. Cherry Tomatoes
Cherry Tomatoes
Cherry Tomatoes
Tomato is a small somewhat oval shape. When he was young, and pale green color when fully ripe color changed to orange to crimson. It was pretty sweet flesh, and contains a fair amount of juice.
4. Green Tomatoes
Green Tomatoes
Green Tomatoes
As the name implies, these tomatoes are green, the texture is a bit hard because it has little water content. Actually green tomatoes are tomatoes that are harvested before cooking.
5. Pear Tomatoes
Pear Tomatoes
Pear Tomatoes
This Types of tomatoes are similar to pear fruit (such as tears fall) just looks much smaller than Pear fruit. It has a wide range of colors, ranging from red, orange, and yellow, and it was pretty sweet. Commonly consumed directly or added as a complement to a salad.
6. Tomato Wine
Tomato Wine
Tomato Wine
Tomato Wine is a variant of the small tomatoes among others. Unlike the cherry tomatoes tend to be oval, shape grape tomatoes tend to be more rounded and smaller. Because it taste is pretty sweet, grape tomatoes often consumed directly or used as a salad. Many times when in selling yellow and red