
Cayenne Pepper As An Herbal Remedy

Capsicum Or Cayenne Pepper As An Herbal Remedy

Cayenne Pepper As An Herbal Remedy - Alternative Medicine practitioners are realizing that healing herbs should be part of their arsenal against disease. The newest touted natural herb is Capsicum, found in cayenne pepper. It has many benefits whether taken internally or externally. When taken internally, capsicum is an antibacterial which will encourage healing and deflect infections while slowing the absorption of fat in the intestines to help fight obesity. Because this natural herbal remedy is a stimulant, it improves circulation. Capsicum will also stabilize blood pressure and lower cholesterol. Herbalists are finding capsicum is useful in fighting a variety of ailments. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when the herb cayenne pepper had its start as an herbal remedy. There are no writings on Capsicum in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, or Persia.

The best guess that historians are willing to put forward is that cayenne went to India and China some time in the 14th or 15th century. It is believed that Europe started cultivation around the 16th century. Today cayenne is still a popular herb in the food industry. Now because of well designed and implemented clinical studies it is widely accepted as an effective alternative medicine. Pharmacopoeias of leading medical clinics from Austria, Egypt, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland support this finding. The natural healing herb Capsicum contained in cayenne pepper is loaded with Vitamin A which is necessary for smooth skin and vision. Vitamin A has been found to be the most powerful killer of free radicals, which bombard us on a daily basis. Vitamin C is the other proponent active in capsicum. The healing properties of Vitamin C are clearing blood clots, eliminating plaque from the arteries, healing wounds and fighting colds. By starving them of oxygen, capsicum causes tumor cells to die.

Capsicum can cause a burning sensation but in time you will get used to it. The active ingredients in the herbal remedy, Capsicum, stimulate the brain and salivary glands releasing endorphins into your body. Endorphins are nature's natural painkiller giving us the feeling of pleasure. Capsicum is also the main ingredient in pain killing rubs for Arthritis and Diabetes nerve damage. Many herbalists today recommend capsicum for such ailments as cold hands and feet, sluggish metabolisms, obesity and respiratory tract infections. Use it externally for arthritis, sore back muscles, rheumatism or sprains and bruises. One suggestion for cold feet is to wear a thin pair of socks, then get a thicker pair of socks, sprinkle the inside with cayenne pepper and put them on over the thin socks. The pepper will send a warm soothing sensation to the soles of your feet. An interesting study was done to see if capsicum would irritate or cause ulceration in the intestines. On the contrary it was found that the herb did not harm the tract but sped up the healing of ulcers by secreting more mucosa, the protective lining of the intestines. A very surprising result of many of the clinical tests is that capsicum raise the metabolic rate and is effective in burning the bodies fat. This has many implications for people with obesity problems. Early indications also show that capsicum slows the absorption of fat in the small intestine.

These studies are on going but there are some weight loss products with capsicum that are available in your health food store. As a tropical analgesic, capsicum, the natural herbal remedy has received wide attention by qualified health professionals. It has shown to relieve the pain of shingles as well as other skin ailments. The FDA has approved it to be used for these problems as well as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Studies are being done to see if the herb can be effective in treating psoriasis and fibromyalgia. When using it topically a redness or burning sensation may sometimes occur. This will disappear in two to three weeks time. Once you have received control of the pain capsicum must be used continuously for the relief to be sustained. If you are diabetic take 3 capsules a day to help bring down your blood sugar levels. Capsicum will affect the breakdown of carbohydrates which will control the fluctuation of sugar levels after eating meals. Of course, this is still being studied in clinics around the world. So now we have received another healing herb from Mother Nature's food pharmacy. Capsicum can be counted as a natural herbal remedy in alternative medicines available to help our ailments and relieve our pain. Disclaimer: Always consult your Doctor or Herbalist before attempting any form of alternative medicine.

This article is for informational purposes only. Copyright © Mary Hanna, All Rights Reserved.