
3 Foods That Can Stain Your Teeth

What foods are Stain Your Teeth?

According to dentists, diet could one of the primary reasons why your teeth change color. Tinted and colored foods are the biggest offenders, as they tend to color teeth slowly but permanently over time. The color in tinted food and beverages comes from chromogens or intensely pigmented molecules. These molecules have a tendency to latch on to dental enamel causing the color change. Moreover, poor oral hygiene and acidic foods can also damage the enamel on a microscopic level increasing the dental staining.

3 Foods to Avoid Stain Your Teeth

1. Colored acidic beverages - Tea, wine, coffee, sports drinks and cola are the primary offenders in this category. These beverages are acidic and they etch the dental enamel surface roughening it. The rough surface then picks up stains quickly and these stains are very difficult to remove.

2. Sauces - Coloured sauces like soy sauce, tomato sauce, curry sauce etc. are also deeply coloured and acidic in nature. They do have significant staining potential but rinsing your mouth after a meal should help in controlling the stains. You can also try to switch over to non-coloured white sauces to decrease the staining potential.

3. Coloured berries - Strawberries, pomegranates, blueberries etc. are very nutritious but they contain highly coloured molecules that are very attracted to dental enamel. These berries are also very acidic and this can increases the stains that form on the surface of teeth. Be sure to brush and floss to prevent permanent damage.

Preventive Steps
It is not realistically possible to cut out all these food items from your diet. Sip beverages like tea, coffee and cola with a straw to prevent dental damage and rinse your mouth immediately after. Do not let coloured food items and beverages to remain in your mouth for a long time; instead swallow them quickly and rinse your mouth immediately. We do recommend that you eat coloured-items in moderation and brush your teeth immediately afterwards. If possible, switch over to neutral coloured food items like cauliflower, grapefruit and melons to prevent dental damage. To ensure clean and healthy teeth, we also recommend you visit your dentist every six months. Your dentist will carry out a procedure called a scaling and polishing which will remove superficial stains and polish the dental enamel surface to remove the acid-induced roughness. Doctor will suggest you which oral care products are best ones for you and your family.

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Why Is Breastfeeding Good For My Baby?

Deciding whether or not to breastfeed can be an easy choice for some women, and a harder one for others. The reason some women choose not to breastfeed is they think it will affect their personal appearance however, this is a myth which has been spun by those women who don't want to breastfeed. The act of breastfeeding doesn't make breasts sag, what does is the natural aging process and gaining weight, which can be common in women straight after giving birth. Another myth spread by women who don't want to breastfeed is that many women don't breastfeed and it's an uncommon practice. In the UK alone 75% of women breastfeed showing that around the world it isn't such an odd thing to do.

Is Breastfeeding Good For My Baby?

When weighing up your options about whether or not you will breastfeed you child, it's important to get all the facts straight. Some people might say that some women find it harder to breastfeed, but the truth is all women can breastfeed enough for their child should they choose to do so, and even if they have trouble in the beginning their body will soon adapt. Some women are worried about having sex after giving birth and while they are breastfeeding, as they feel it can be a bit odd to accidentally produce breast milk during sex. A woman's body produces oxytocin during sex, which is the same hormone produced during breastfeeding, meaning it's common to produce a little breast milk during sex, but a woman shouldn't worry about that affecting their sex life.
The ultimate decision making choice for a woman deciding whether or not to breastfeed should be which one will benefit their baby more. Formula is nothing more than instant nutrients, which helps a baby to grow but won't benefit their immune system. Breast milk is full of living bacteria which builds up a baby's immune system, helping them defend against infections and viruses much better later on in life. Due to these benefits alone, a mother should find it hard to think of a good reason to choose formula feeding over breastfeeding, as a child will find it hard to develop those essential immunities later on in life when they're around other children who are ill if they don't get those nutrients and bacteria from their mother's breast milk.

The differences between formula and breast milk are obvious to those who do the research, and by putting in a little time and effort a mother can soon change her mind about what she will do. Even though formula can help a baby grow at the same rate as breast milk, it will ultimately cost more and will mean a child needs to develop their immunities slower than others.

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Tips to Help Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Here are five tips that could help you reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. Heart disease is the most common killer worldwide and the latest research shows that the damage leading up to the condition is largely preventable. Here's how.

5 Tips to Help Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Exercise Regularly
Exercise strengthens the heart muscle and the blood vessels. It increases "good" HDL cholesterol levels and lowers bad LDL cholesterol that plays a role in heart disease. Exercise also works to improve blood glucose levels naturally. Chronically high blood glucose levels can lead to type II diabetes, which is accompanied by an increased risk of heart disease.

Avoid Cigarette Smoke
Cigarette smoke raises blood pressure levels, causes the vessels to stiffen, interferes with normal respiratory function, contributes to high blood glucose levels and may cause insulin resistance. No amount of exposure to cigarette smoke is safe.

Watch Your Sodium Intake
Sodium is an essential nutrient but most people get many times more than they need on a daily basis. Sodium pulls fluids into the bloodstream, raising blood pressure. When blood pressure becomes high, it stretches the vessels. Eventually, tiny divots can form in the vessels. It is in these divots that fats in the bloodstream become stuck and start the process that leads to atherosclerosis, the most common type of cardiovascular disease.

Avoid Saturated and Trans-Fats
Saturated and trans-fats cause bad LDL cholesterol levels to rise and also cause an increase in total triglycerides of fats in the bloodstream. Dietary cholesterol seems to play a lesser role. Not only do these fats get lodged in any divot present in your blood vessel walls, they also actually increase the thickness of your blood, making it harder for the heart to pump and raising your blood pressure.

Improve Your Nutrient Intake
The most common kinds of heart disease are now considered diet-related. In addition to watching your sodium intake and avoiding the bad fats, you should also strive to get specific dietary nutrients that may play a role in the prevention of heart disease.
Omega-3 fats found in fish oils have been well known for decades now because of their cardio-protective benefits. They were first studied because people with diets high in fats from fish and seafood did not have the same heart problems normally associated with high fat diets. They are the healthy fats.
Fish oil supplements can help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of blood clots, stabilize the heart rate and generally improve circulation.
Nattokinase is a nutrient that has been clinically proven to clean out fatty deposits in the arteries and also reduce the risk of clotting. But if you want to try that nutrient, you must be sure that it is protected by an enteric coating. Otherwise, the enzyme will be broken down by stomach acid and provide no benefit. There are some heart health specialty supplements that include the nutrient.
Antioxidants such as rutin and quercetin improve blood vessel strength. As your blood pressure changes, the vessels are forced to expand and contract. If they become weakened, they can rupture. The antioxidant coenzyme Q10 is even beneficial for people with known heart failure.

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Tips to Lower High Cholesterol Level Naturally

Here are  top 5 tips to lower high cholesterol naturally. If you can avoid taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, you will be healthier and happier. Making the following suggestions a part of your routine will help you do that.

5 Tips to Lower High Cholesterol Naturally

Tip 1 - Exercise Regularly
Exercising raises good HDL cholesterol levels. HDL particles carry fats and cholesterol away from your bloodstream and back to the liver for reprocessing or disposal. Bad LDL cholesterol gets stuck in your bloodstream. The particles carry fat and cholesterol to your cells and tissues, rather than back to your liver.
HDL particles will also "pick up" LDL cholesterol when it comes across the particles in your bloodstream. So, as your HDL levels increase, your LDL levels decrease naturally.

Tip 2 - Avoid Saturated and Tran-Fats
Dietary cholesterol is less of a problem than saturated and trans-fats. Research indicates that if you severely limit your cholesterol intake, your liver will produce more of it. Your body needs cholesterol for a variety of functions. Having blood cholesterol that is too low is just as bad as having high cholesterol.
Saturated and trans-fats increase the total blood triglycerides, the total fats in your bloodstream. They also cause increased production of LDL cholesterol. Saturated fats are found in butter and other fats that are solid at room temperature. Trans-fats are found primarily in processed foods as partially hydrogenated oils.

Tip 3 - Get More Soluble Fiber in Your Diet
Soluble fiber is found in whole grains like oatmeal and in other foods. Some cholesterol is found in your digestive tract, because of the foods you eat and also because blood cholesterol is deposited in the digestive tract. The cholesterol in the digestive tract can be reabsorbed into the bloodstream instead of passing out of your body as waste.
Soluble fiber absorbs cholesterol in the digestive tract and carries it out of your body. Less cholesterol is reabsorbed and less is absorbed from the foods that you eat. So, soluble fiber lowers high cholesterol naturally.
Be very cautious about fiber supplements derived from psyllium husks. They can cause blockages. Supplements derived from kiwifruit pulp and skins are the best alternatives. They contain soluble and insoluble fibers, as well as phenolic compounds that contribute to good digestion.

Tip 4 - Take Fish Oil
Fish oil can raise HDL levels. It is a healthy source of fat. The supplement may also reduce the risk of clot formation and prevent cholesterol from sticking to the inside of the arterial walls.

Tip 5 - Take a Good Multi-Nutritional Supplement
The better multi-nutritional supplements contain ingredients that are known to lower high cholesterol naturally. Ingredients to look for include:
· Policosanol (raw sugar cane extract)
· Theaflavins (green tea extract)
· Phytosterols (from soy and other plant foods)
· Rice bran oil (oryzanol)
· Lecithin (a soy extract)
· D-limonene (citrus rind extract)
Many of these nutrients are sold as stand-alone supplements for lowering cholesterol. While any one of the ingredients may be somewhat effective, together they may work in synergy to produce results as good as those of prescription drugs.

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Computerized Diagnostics for Perfect Medical Care

The hectic lifestyle has become more demanding these days. Juggling between tasks constantly without taking care of our health up to the extent of missing meals has become a common scenario. Hence, stress, anxiety as the mental issues are quite common with some of the physical problems like back pain, headache, neck ache, car accident injuries and so on. Each one of us without giving much stress over our health problems keep on carrying our routine responsibilities. However, there has been developed many therapies and medical practices to help people getting rid of pains happening due to different reasons.

Algiatry or a pain medicine is one of the most sought-after disciplines that help alleviating pain, its treatment and rehabilitating the persons suffering from pain. The pain medicine experts use a distinctive approach for treating all the pain disorders. It may include the pain at the primary stage of a disease to the final one. The pain medicine personnel serve as the primary consultants to the other medical consultants and they provide care at different levels. These jobs include directly treating the patient, prescribing medicines and rehabilitation services, counseling patients and families, performing pain relieving procedures, directing a team of professionals and coordinating the patient care activities with other health care service providers. These pain medicine experts work in a variety of settings and they are competent enough for treating all levels of pain a patient suffers from.

Another therapy, Acupuncture is originated in the era of ancient China and Japan. Now, it has become a modern medical therapy to help people get rid of pains. Though specialized needles are used in this method to be inserted into different areas of your body, the patient hardly feels any pain. The idea behind this method of pain medication is to create the pathways or passages of the blocked areas in your body so that it could lead the flow of positive energies into your system through these passages. Therefore, it reduces pain and you feel relax. Biopuncture is another important method to cure troubling pains. It is also a process similar to acupuncture in which natural homeopathic medicines are injected to the body of the patient. The process stimulates the healing mechanism of the body and therefore, the process of injury recovery fastens.

Sometimes, an addiction to drugs could also be the reason behind pains, stress, severe strains. Hence, drug detoxification is significant in this case. The Drug Detox process is used for expelling the harmful toxins from the body. It appears to be the most challenging and important part of defeating drug addiction. Anyone who wishes to get rid of drug addiction can opt for drug detox.

In the recent times, Computerized Diagnostics of the suffering area of your body can easily describe what is going on in your body and what the reason behind the occurrence of pain is from which you are struggling. So, go to your physician and get a thorough diagnostic so that they can provide you effective medication.

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Causes Dandruff In Woman Scalp

Do you know Causes Dandruff In Woman Scalp? Dandruff is a common scalp problems are often encountered. Dandruff is dead skin exfoliation head and it is normal for humans. The problem that often occurs is the excessive flaking of dead skin is continuously followed by irritation of the scalp that causes dandruff number appears.
Dandruff is experienced by most women long hair. But some men may also suffer from dandruff. The most potent and powerful way to eliminate dandruff is to shave your head or bald head: D (justkid).

dandruff in scalp

Causes Dandruff In Scalp

1. seborrheic dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin infection in humans caused by fungi that grow on human skin. It is characterized by flaky / peeling skin on the result of the excess oil or fat, and seborrheic dermatitis is a common cause of skin appearance of dandruff head.

2. psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin disease characterized reddish scaly skin itchy or sore. Psoriasis is also one cause of dandruff.

3. dry skin
Dry skin is one of the causes of dandruff that can be exacerbated by the use of hair dryer (hair dryer) and conditioner is wrong.

4. fungal Infections
Fungal infections of the skin can lead to oily skin and dandruff can grow normally fertile.

5. other Causes
Another cause of dandruff can be caused by high levels of sterss, lack of hygiene of the scalp, dandruff sufferers share with the comb and use the shampoo and conditioner that does not match the type of the scalp.

Herbal Medicines To Treat Toothache

Who never had a toothache? Apparently there Medicinal Herbs To Treat Toothache. Maybe for those who never had the toothache is an experience that does not want to experience again. Toothache can strike anyone, the poor condition of the teeth, cavities, gingivitis, bacteria can cause tooth pain.

Toothache is often strikes children, where children prefer sweet foods, lacking in oral care and teeth that are more susceptible to toothache. The pain caused by tooth pain often occurs at night, the pain often makes it painful to sleep and suffered excruciating pain. Many drugs are consumed to relieve toothache, but whether they are safe and have side effects on health. You can try some natural ingredients that are easily found at home for tooth pain disappeared and can certainly cheaply.

Herbal Medicines To Treat Toothache

1. Clove oil.
Use of clove oil on the sore tooth, it helps relieve pain and infection in the tooth disappears.

2. Guava leaves.
Take some leaves of guava, chewing in the mouth. Guava leaf extract may help reduce pain in the tooth.

3. Salt water.
Mix one tablespoon of salt to a glass of warm water. Gargle for 30 seconds, the salt water can kill bacteria and relieve pain.

4. Vanilla Extract.
Use 3-4 drops of vanilla extract on the aching tooth to soothe and promote healing.

5. Garlic.
Garlic finely, then put it on the sore tooth. Garlic has antibacterial and anesthetic properties that can help cure toothaches

6. Lime.
Vitamin C in the lemon juice helps fight infection and prevent the decay of the teeth. Bite lemon on the sore tooth to come out orange juice, lemon juice has vitamin C higher and lower acidity of the lemon.

7. Ice.
You just need ice cubes. wrap some ice cubes with a soft cloth, place it on the sore tooth, it aims to numb the affected part.

The last part that is important is oral care and teeth properly and visit your dentist regularly at least 6 months. Surely you would not want that tooth pain come to strike back

Herbal Medicine for Ulcer

Ulcer disease is a disease caused by excess acid in the stomach that causes irritation / sores in the mucous membranes of the stomach. Ulcer can be treated by herbal medicine. Acid in the stomach is needed to help grind and digest the food we eat. But if the production of excess acid in the stomach so it causes ulcer disease. Ulcer disease can be caused by our unhealthy lifestyles and irregular as irregular eating, the food was too spicy and oily, smoke, drink coffee / alcohol, stress and even be one of the factors causing ulcers.

Herbal Medicine for Ulcer Pain

Ulcer disease affects many people have high activity, so their lifestyle and irregular eating. Ulcer disease can be known from the characteristics stomach bloating, nausea to vomiting, midriff pain, frequent belching, quickly feel full and hungry.
There are some natural ingredients / herbs that can be used to cure ulcers. In addition to getting natural materials are also free from chemicals that can increase the emergence of new diseases caused by the use of chemicals. Here are Tips and Articles natural remedy for ulcer.

1. Turmeric
Turmeric for ulcer drug, including the most well known natural remedy for treating the ulcer disease. curcumin and curcuminoids (active ingredient of turmeric) as well as essential oils shown to have antioxidant effects, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anticancer so either consumed as a cure for ulcers and other health problems.
Usage: Take two segments of turmeric, peeled, cleaned and grated turmeric, add lukewarm water and squeeze to take out the juice. Drink twice a day, in the morning before eating and at night before bed.

2. Aloe vera
Aloe vera to ulcer drug, content aloin, aloin-emodin, resins, tannins, and polysaccharides in aloe vera good for treating stomach ulcers. Other active substances identified as Aloctin Aloctin A and B. Aloctin A inhibits secretion of gastric acid and pepsin when given intravenously in mice. Another potent ingredient is Aloin and Anthraquinone that can increase the production of prostaglandins. In addition, aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera gel contains bradykinase, which is a source of inflammation enzyme breaker, Bradykinin.
Usage: Peel the skin and aloe vera to clean the mucus is reduced, Boil until cooked (boiling water). Serve by adding honey to lessen the sense of bitterness or juice can also be used to add honey.

3. Plantain
Plantain for ulcer drug, on plantain contained substances that are  ulcer, a high content of pectin in bananas may protect against the effects of gastric mucous membrane of stomach acid.
Usage : select bananas that are old and not yet mature, dry banana by banana peel. cut into small pieces as a way of dried chips (not directly under sun, aerated enough), after dry powder can make mashed or blender. Take two tablespoons of banana powder, mix with honey, consumption twice a day morning and evening.

Those are some tips and article about a natural remedy for heartburn. For women who are pregnant are advised not to consume more than it can result in less good for the fetus and should consult first with your medical doctor. Ulcer disease can be prevented with regular life lifestyle and healthy food and avoid stress, may be useful.

Why Children Usually Get Fever

Children usually get fever - Fever will occur suddenly, however it may also rapidly disappearing. What specifically may be a fever and what's occurring within the body when a fever? Once you ought to decision the doctor?
Children Usually Get Fever
Children Usually Get Fever

What is a fever in children?

Said the kid features a fever if their body temperature higher than thirty seven ยบ C. Fever isn't a disease, however the body's defense reaction to injury or infection. The body produces a lot of heat and tries to keep up a extreme temperature in order that metabolism is quicker. High body temperatures additionally inhibit the expansion of germs and bacteria. When the fever the body can cool itself by dilating blood vessels that the heat will get out through the skin. This makes youngsters shiver.
Accompanying symptoms of fever
Children with a fever the body can feel heat. Alternative symptoms that typically accompany a fever include:
    shivering and teeth chattering (if a high fever)
    muscle and joint pain
    sweating (when the temperature decreases)
    increased heart rate
    drowsy and weak
    decreased appetite

Treatment of fever in children

If your kid doesn't appear sturdy and had a seizure, fever might not need treatment. If your kid isn't healthy, you'll be able to provides a syrup or pill for fever. Some suggestions for treatment:
    Keep youngsters drink frequently to stop dehydration.
    Let the youngsters get many rest and sleep to recover.
    Wear skinny garments on the kid to the warmth out.

Recording the temperature when children get fever

To monitor the progress of your child's fever, you must take his temperature with a thermometer. Mustn’t use mercury-based thermometers (mercury). Mercury may be a highly toxic substance when exposed to the skin, inhaled or swallowed. Broken thermometer will unleash mercury if, for instance, a toddler who was bitten by shivering. A digital thermometer is a lot of safely, quickly and accurately is currently widely obtainable on the market.
There are many places on the body of a toddler who is appropriate for temperature measurement:
Rectum: Changes in rectal temperature are usually behind the central body temperature (the temperature of the organ within the body) in order that there's a risk that enormous temperature changes are detected late.
Mouth:  The temperature within the mouth is typically enough to represent the temperature of the body.
Armpit: Young children are usually tough to keep up the position of the thermometer within the armpit in order that measurements will be inaccurate.
Ear: The within of the ear is definitely accessible to live temperature using non-contact thermometer. Temperature measured within the ear to present a reliable indication.