Honey for Health
Honey for Health - Since
ancient times, honey has been known as a beverage with many benefits for human
life. In addition to being sweet and delicious drink to drink, honey also has
many advantages in various aspects of human life, from healing illness, and for
Drink Honey for Health |
Drink Honey for Health
Benefits of Honey for Health
Here are some of the benefits of honey for your health:
- Benefits of Honey which first helps you reduce the pain when you have felt the pain.
- Honey adds energy during pregnancy and childbirth and also gives strength to the fetus.
- A mixture of honey with herbs and eggs can accelerate the healing process of wounds in the abdomen or uterus after childbirth.
- Orange juice plus honey can overcome heart problems.
- Honey is very useful to normalize the function of organs, nerves and refreshing work.
- Sugars and minerals in honey serves as a tonic that provides the energy source for the heart.
- Mineral content of honey can reduce the degree of acidity and help to prevent stomach bleeding.
A Glass of Honey |
A Glass of Honey
- Mix the honey with the juice of papaya. It is beneficial for growing children or pregnant women and also to facilitate breastfeeding.
- Nutritious coconut water and honey mixture negate the harmful effects of excessive sexual desire.
- Benefits of Honey then good for keeping blood pressure
- Honey can reduce weight and cleanse the blood.
- Honey is good for consumption by patients with anemia.
- Honey can prevent osteoporosis.
- In addition to overcoming a cold, honey is also a remedy for coughs.
- Each gram of honey worth 1,000 calories 3280. Calorific value of 1 kg of honey together with 50 eggs or milk l 5.575, or 1.680 kg of meat.
- All natural honey to treat wounds because of blisters or burns.
- Honey is good for ulcer patients.
- Diabetics are also safe to consume to get the benefits of honey, under the supervision of a physician
- Mix the honey and carrot juice. This has benefits for the sight and good for those who often linger in front of the computer work.
- Benefits of Honey can relieve the symptoms of asthma later if consumed as a juice with black pepper and ground ginger.
Now you already know the benefits of honey for your body. So what else is there to doubt? Fast, have a spoonful of honey every day and feel healthy.
Wild Honey Hives |
Wild Honey Hives
Honey Bee Picture |
Honey Bee Picture
Our health is very important of all. Prevention is better than
cure and also Health is very expensive. Without health in our body, we
can not do anything. So don forget to drink Honey for our health.
Title : Honey for Health
Description : Honey for Health Honey for Health - Since ancient times, honey has been known as a beverage with many benefits for human life. In addi...
Description : Honey for Health Honey for Health - Since ancient times, honey has been known as a beverage with many benefits for human life. In addi...
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